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    Gerhard Stahl

    Research Fields:  

    Public and Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Green Economy,  Financial Markets and International Economy,  Governance and Political  Systems, Urban- and Regional Policy


    Studies at the FU-Berlin and the TU-Berlin in the areas of psychology, law and economics (1971-1976 ) 

    Regular training by leading academics and management experts in the training programs of the institutions I worked for. 

    Academic and Research Experience

    Starting in 2013, I was teaching regularly as visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges to give lectures in the economic department on the European Growth Strategy. The College has a high reputation for its post-graduate education. It offers master courses in economics, legal and international affairs. 
    During 15 years contributing to research activities and management as Member of the Advisory Committee (Kuratorium) of the IFO-Research Institute in München   and for ten years member of its Management Board. The IFO-Research Institute is one of the leading economic research institutes in Europe.
    Contributing as a Member of the Scientific Council to research of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). FEPS is a European foundation that collaborates internationally to find European and international answers to key economic questions (e.g. the Noble Prize Winner Prof. Stiglitz is one of the cooperation partners in the US). 

    Working Experience: 

    Economist at the planning and forecasting department of the Ministry of Finance of the national government of the Federal Republic of Germany (1978 - 1981 ) 

    Political Advisor for the European Parliament especially for budget and economic affaires and advisor for the Economic Ministry of a german regional government ( 1981 - 1992 ) 

    Director General for the Ministry for European and Economic Affaires of a german regional government ( 1992 - 1995 ) 

    Member of the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Regional Policy and later Deputy Head of Cabinet for the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affaires ( 1995 - 2002 ) 

    Secretary General of the European Committee of the Region, a treaty based EU institution, which represents cities and regions ( 2003 - 2014 )